Wellness Corner 61: The Ancient Greeks and Wellness

Hey Falcons,

Quick but interesting Wellness Corner this week. In AP Euro, we’re studying Greek concepts of science and how they were either debunked or supported by the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. So of course, I went down a series of internet rabbit-holes and found my favorite five ancient Greek philosophies relating to wellness.

  1. Philosophy of Moderation (Sophrosyne): The Greeks valued the concept of "sophrosyne," which translates to moderation or balance. This idea emphasized the importance of avoiding excesses and maintaining a balanced lifestyle in terms of diet, exercise, and other aspects of daily life.

  2. Physical Exercise (Gymnastics): The ancient Greeks believed in the harmony of the body and mind, and physical exercise was considered essential for achieving this balance. Gymnasiums were common, and various physical activities, including running, wrestling, and gymnastics, were practiced to maintain fitness.

  3. Bathing and Hygiene: Greeks valued cleanliness and personal hygiene. Bathing was not only a physical practice but also a social one, as communal baths were common in ancient Greek society. This practice was not only for cleanliness but also for socializing and relaxation.

  4. Diet: The Greeks understood the importance of a balanced diet. The philosopher Hippocrates, often regarded as the father of Western medicine, emphasized the significance of food and its impact on health. The idea of "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" is attributed to him.

  5. Mental Well-Being (Eudaimonia): The concept of "eudaimonia" refers to flourishing or living a life of virtue and purpose. Mental well-being was considered crucial, and philosophical schools like Stoicism and Epicureanism provided guidance on achieving inner peace, contentment, and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Interesting, huh? Wouldn’t you love to take a step back in time to experience a day, or even a few hours, in an ancient society like the Greeks? To chill with them in the baths, pump iron in the gymnasia, or debate philosophy…sounds like a dream.

Have a good week ahead!

Stay well,


Wellness Corner 62: A Quick Hello before the Holidays!


Wellness Corner 60: Finding Your Place in Groups