Wellness Corner 60: Finding Your Place in Groups

Hey Falcons,

It’s often difficult for us to find our place when placed in new groups, whether it’s a history project, new friend group, or summer camp. We’re unsure of what role we play — are we the ones driving the discussion, the ones quietly listening and dutifully hammering away, or somewhere in between? — and it takes us a while to just figure out how we can contribute.

Well, there’s an antidote to the dreaded “group project syndrome,” which happens when dynamics are imbalanced. Take a personality/leadership test to understand your role on a team. 

Try this one to learn about how you work.

Or a simple MBTI test, which will reveal tons about everything from your approach to academics to how you tackle relationships.

Hope you found this interesting!

Stay well,



Wellness Corner 61: The Ancient Greeks and Wellness


Wellness Corner 59: Living like the Maasai